Returns Policy
Returns Information
Cancelling an order
- In most circumstances it's not possible to make changes to an order.
- To add product to your order, please place a new order for these items.
- To change details of your delivery address, remove items or cancel it completely; please contact our Customer Services team as soon as possible, quoting your order number
FREE UK Returns
If you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order by post for free or to one of our stores for a full refund or exchange within 14 days of receiving the item.
Please take reasonable care of the items and do not use them. Send them back in the original packaging where possible.
Return Restrictions
Some goods cannot be returned by post because of legal restrictions:
- Perishable and other items that deteriorate fast.
- Refunds will be processed within 10 working days after we have received your return.
- Your refund will be credited to your original payment method.